Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year-New You

Happy New Years Eve Friends! How blessed I am to see this year come to a end. I am so thankful for everything that I have learned and experienced and am looking forward to the new year of 2014! God has been so good to me in so many ways and one of the things I wanted to start sharing is how great Gods love for us is and how important it is for us to love Him and seek Him. That is where the title to this blog comes from. Proverbs 8:17- I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. It is a beautiful verse and a constant reminder that Gods love never fails and that He is always loving us. I pray that through this next year I will stay committed to this blog and sharing Gods love to others and make this a place where people can read, watch, give their own stories, and be encouraged.

As a new 2014 project, I am joining with www.aloveperfect.com "The Prayer Project" for the month of January. I would love for you guys to join me on this prayer journey. So many things can happen when you pray. My prayer for myself- through praying for someone else in my life, is that my personal prayer life will be impacted and that I will grow closer to God in a very intimate way. So many days I forget about the importance of prayer and it is certainly something that I lack on. I am committing to this and be prayerful with me that I will stay true to what God has laid on my heart to do and say.

Here is the link to The Prayer Project.

God bless you all and this blog!

Lucy - Proverbs 8:17

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